Blog hop week 17

THE HOSTS: Cupcake Rehab Raised By Culture 3twentysix From the Kitchen of Mama Harris The Eclectic Grab Bag On Your Heels THIS WEEKS CO-HOST: Confessions of a Songstress (Highlight, press CTRL+C to COPY) <a href="http://edgyunconference.blogspot.com/search/label/Think%20Outside%20The%20Blog" ...


Sleek Makeup

Recently I've been trying to master the art of contouring and highlighting I like how Shayla does it and over at her youtube channel, she shows you the steps she takes. She uses products I dont have but doing a search on contouring palettes I found Sleek Makeup face contouring ...


My New Hair

I follow a few pretty ladies on Instagram that show off their lovely makeup and make me jealous but recently I added two new girls that have a haircut I liked enough to try it out for myself: this is the lovely Christina @makeuplovelife85 Lovely Charlene @char_bleezie I ...