BH Cosmetics

I bought BH Cosmetics Party Girl Palette about 3 weeks ago and just now got around to using it. Its on sale for $10.77  right now, regularly $17.95. Here's the palette:  Colors might be off slightly due to lighting I use half the picture because the other ...


Moving, having my cake and not eating it

I used to live in another city alone with my kids but once I met Nathan (my husband) things had to change, specially when it came time to get married and live together. I could tell you my Melrose Place drama of a background but we'll save that for another day. Anyway we ended ...


It aint easy

This blogging thing, the set up and customizing is hard wor ...


My Camera

I haven't had a camera in a few years and that's very bad since I have kids that I should be capturing moments with. Sadly I use my phone to capture some of those moments and its a hit or miss on the quality but about a week ago I decided it was time for a new one and I always ...


Had to Move

Needed a change. The old name just wasn't me the old blog was missing something, hopefully I've found i ...