Makeup School - The Start

I'll be posting about the process I go through while attending my makeup artistry certification. I registered for this course at a local college near my home in California, I was happy when I found it since it was way cheaper then the schools that I previously looked into that cost over $1,000. The website says: The Makeup Artistry Certification program consists of six classes: Beauty Makeup and the 101 Basics; The ...


Look what came in the mail

I ordered myself two things last month, my own treat for Valentines Day...  One of the boxes is a phone for my son and in the other two packages I cant see myself spending $20 for a beauty blender but heard good reviews on SOHO London beauty sponge, and of course Kim Kardashian ...


Blog Hop 19

THE HOSTS: Cupcake Rehab Raised By Culture 3twentysix From the Kitchen of Mama Harris The Eclectic Grab Bag On Your Heels THIS WEEKS CO-HOST: Phylicia @ Hearts & Crafts Boutique (Highlight, press CTRL+C to COPY) <a href="http://edgyunconference.blogspot.com/search/label/Think%20Outside%20The%20Blog" ...


Makeup School and Strawberry Chocolate Chip Cookies

Hiiiii I know I haven't really updated in awhile but Ive been doing a few things here and there trying to find something to do with my life. In my previous "Am I too old: Makeup artist" I was debating on becoming a makeup artist, since I felt like I might be too old (hence the ...