Bats and Brushes with CJ Wilson

I'm not much of baseball fan, as matter of fact I pretty much hate watching the sport lol 
but when it comes to events having to do with hemophilia it does no matter who put it together or what athlete might be involved. I try to go to events when ever my son and I are invited just so he can meet other kids with the same blood disorder and for the fun. 
June 23, 2014 we were invited to attend Bats and Brushes at ESPN Zone in Anaheim 
a charity founded by CJ WIlson an Anahaim Angels MLB player

 My kiddos had fun, even my teenager seemed to enjoy himself with the free games, free food and free ice cream. Thank you CJ WIlson and Brothers Healthcare!

Stoped at the lego store inside of downtown Disney and my husband had a couple of fun moments too


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