Moving, ELF, Youtube, and CT School shooting

Rental agreement signed and I'm putting our clothes in boxes, due to move in Wednesday.  They actually will be giving us the keys Tuesday and they let us move some of our stuff in then but cant officially move in until Wednesday, we are very happy around here. Within the past ...


Blog Hop

Its that time again, Thank you for all you ladies that are a part of this regularly and welcome to the NEW. THE HOSTS: Cupcake Rehab Raised By Culture 3twentysix From the Kitchen of Mama Harris The Eclectic Grab Bag On Your Heels (Highlight, press CTRL+C to COPY) ...



I'm soooo happy we will be signing our move in contract tomorrow and moving to OUR new place on the 19th. Now I'm off to pinterest to pin tons of things I wish I could afford lol but hopefully get a low budget ideas. Target and Ikea will definitely be on my shopping trips as I start ...



I'm going insane, my family and I have been living with my sister and mom for about a year and I HATE IT! That's my family and I have love for them but I cant wait to hear "you can move in" from the apartments we recently applied to. Its a pretty sure thing that we're in there but ...


Blog Hop six

So happy to be a part of this  blog hop, Thank You for coming by to check me out and leave a comment or  add me through GFC :) THE HOSTS: Cupcake Rehab Raised By Culture 3twentysix From the Kitchen of Mama Harris The Eclectic Grab Bag On Your Heels THE ...


My Christmas List

Ive been told I'm hard to shop for, I guess I'm a little picky? Anyway I dont know if husbands actually listen to what we want, I'm new in the marriage game, so this year I decided to make a Christmas list for Nathan and now I'm sharing it with you. I didnt ask for a lot and I'm ...