I HATE IT! That's my family and I have love for them but I cant wait to hear "you can move in" from the apartments we recently applied to. Its a pretty sure thing that we're in there but I wont be 100% until I get a date to move, which we should know in a few days. As a matter of fact I was told we should be able to move in and get settled by Christmas, and THANK GOD for that. So in preparation to move I recently canceled my gym membership because once we're somewhat settled in
I'm starting Insanity again!

When I was living SOLO at my apartment I started this workout but didn't finish since I ended up missing a lot of days when I went to Vegas with friends...

GOOD TIMES were had.
I had a love/hate relationship with this workout
I loved it! I was really able to notice a difference in my muscle tone within a month, I felt great and though I didn't loose too much weight I noticed my clothes was fitting loosely. I was proud of myself for even doing the workout everyday and I was very pleased to see the sweat pour. Another thing I loved was I didn't need to buy any equipment and the workouts weren't too long or boring
I hated it because it made you WORK, it made me realize how out of shape I was and I actually would cuss the instructor on my tv out, in my mind though cause I couldnt catch my breath enough to talk lol It truly made me ache but that could easily go in the love category.
Did you ever do this workout? did you finish? see results?
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