
As mentioned in my previous post I've had to cut back in blogging since I've started working and going to the gym but recently my internet was cut off and now we are waiting for another provider to connect our internet and cable. Recently also, I broke my phone I bought a new one ...



Sorry I've been M.I.A. but I recently joined a gym, started working and also planned to take over the world. I'm excited to say that my first makeup class starts this Sunday! I bought everything I need and put it in a cute case, which I'll be sharing pictures with you. My birthday is also coming up and I have something planned for that.... I'm having trouble with my computer and cant seem to get the info for our TOTB ...


Makeup School - The Start

I'll be posting about the process I go through while attending my makeup artistry certification. I registered for this course at a local college near my home in California, I was happy when I found it since it was way cheaper then the schools that I previously looked into that cost over $1,000. The website says: The Makeup Artistry Certification program consists of six classes: Beauty Makeup and the 101 Basics; The ...


Look what came in the mail

I ordered myself two things last month, my own treat for Valentines Day...  One of the boxes is a phone for my son and in the other two packages I cant see myself spending $20 for a beauty blender but heard good reviews on SOHO London beauty sponge, and of course Kim Kardashian ...


Blog Hop 19

THE HOSTS: Cupcake Rehab Raised By Culture 3twentysix From the Kitchen of Mama Harris The Eclectic Grab Bag On Your Heels THIS WEEKS CO-HOST: Phylicia @ Hearts & Crafts Boutique (Highlight, press CTRL+C to COPY) <a href="http://edgyunconference.blogspot.com/search/label/Think%20Outside%20The%20Blog" ...


Makeup School and Strawberry Chocolate Chip Cookies

Hiiiii I know I haven't really updated in awhile but Ive been doing a few things here and there trying to find something to do with my life. In my previous "Am I too old: Makeup artist" I was debating on becoming a makeup artist, since I felt like I might be too old (hence the ...


Blog hop week 17

THE HOSTS: Cupcake Rehab Raised By Culture 3twentysix From the Kitchen of Mama Harris The Eclectic Grab Bag On Your Heels THIS WEEKS CO-HOST: Confessions of a Songstress (Highlight, press CTRL+C to COPY) <a href="http://edgyunconference.blogspot.com/search/label/Think%20Outside%20The%20Blog" ...


Sleek Makeup

Recently I've been trying to master the art of contouring and highlighting I like how Shayla does it and over at her youtube channel, she shows you the steps she takes. She uses products I dont have but doing a search on contouring palettes I found Sleek Makeup face contouring ...


My New Hair

I follow a few pretty ladies on Instagram that show off their lovely makeup and make me jealous but recently I added two new girls that have a haircut I liked enough to try it out for myself: this is the lovely Christina @makeuplovelife85 Lovely Charlene @char_bleezie I ...


Blog Hop

THE HOSTS: Cupcake Rehab Raised By Culture 3twentysix From the Kitchen of Mama Harris The Eclectic Grab Bag On Your Heels THIS WEEKS CO-HOST: Emi @ chaseandem (Highlight, press CTRL+C to COPY) <a href="http://edgyunconference.blogspot.com/search/label/Think%20Outside%20The%20Blog" ...


Vanilla Bean Cheesecake

I went out with a friend for some drinks sometime last month and while I was out my husband asked me to pick him up vanilla bean cheesecake from TGIF I took a bite of it of course and loved it! He said this was his favorite cheesecake and with his birthday coming up I figured ...


Am I Too Old? Part 2: MakeUp Artist

I LOVE makeup, I've looked into going to schools to learn more techniques but the cost has been too much for me. This is something I really want to do and recently saw that Marinello is offering MakeUp Artistry courses and they have financial aid available  I figured this ...


Am I Too Old? Part 1: Baby Making

Nathan and I want to have a baby but in 2007 I had my tubes tied, actually I believe my tubes were cut and sealed. I'll have to talk to my OBGYN a little more to find out the exact procedure, since there is different Tubal ligation Methods.  In 2006 My second son(JayDen) ...


Blog Hop

THE HOSTS: Cupcake Rehab Raised By Culture 3twentysix From the Kitchen of Mama Harris The Eclectic Grab Bag On Your Heels THIS WEEKS CO-HOST: Painting Mariposas in the Sky (Highlight, press CTRL+C to COPY) <a href="http://edgyunconference.blogspot.com/search/label/Think%20Outside%20The%20Blog" ...


More ELF

Shopping ELF website again and picked up a few things: -Mineral infused face primer in green, which is supposed to be a tone adjusting -Waterproof eyeliner crayon in purple -Makeup remover pen -Free gift card to use on my next purchase yay Face Primer Jumbo Lip Gloss ...



Ive been meaning to do this post for 2 months already. My online friend at topstitch.org sent this cute clutch to me back in November as part of her "30 days of creativity" Every day for the month of November she sent out a handmade craft of hers to the first 30 people ...


Blog hop

THE HOSTS: Cupcake Rehab Raised By Culture 3twentysix From the Kitchen of Mama Harris The Eclectic Grab Bag On Your Heels (Highlight, press CTRL+C to COPY) <a href="http://edgyunconference.blogspot.com/search/label/Think%20Outside%20The%20Blog" ...


Help me Bake a cake

A very long time ago I was introduce to the wonderful cake made by Maison Richard French Bakery that goes by the name of Auteuil - Chocolate Truffle and Raspberry Puree. This is the best cake Ive ever had in LIFE! I love it and I'm soooo happy this bakery is not near me because ...



Ive never been t IMATS and wont make it this time around, I actually don't know too much about it other than its makeup heaven, right? I do hope to make it to visit at least once in the coming years, maybe even next time theyre in LA. Did you know they have an app you can download ...


Blog Hop for the new year

THE HOSTS: Cupcake Rehab Raised By Culture 3twentysix From the Kitchen of Mama Harris The Eclectic Grab Bag On Your Heels (Highlight, press CTRL+C to COPY) <a href="http://edgyunconference.blogspot.com/search/label/Think%20Outside%20The%20Blog" ...


Happy New Year

I know ive been slacking on posting but I think we are about 90% settled in our new place, so now I'm back to say Happy New Year and lets make this one better than the last! Let me show off a little of my Christmas goodies, if you follow me on instagram youve seen these but if ...