Week 2

THE HOSTS: Cupcake Rehab Raised By Culture 3twentysix From the Kitchen of Mama Harris The Eclectic Grab Bag On Your Heels (Highlight, press CTRL+C to COPY) <a href="http://edgyunconference.blogspot.com/search/label/Think%20Outside%20The%20Blog" ...


Lippie Calendar/ Pumpkin Patch

Tomorrow is the start of my 30 days of lipstick at Shuttercal.  Ive been having trouble with the site, I dont know if its just me but Hopefully it will work out in time. If you decide to join me let me know so I can share the link to your calendar. I'm excited to start but ...


It was my lucky week

I dont usually enter giveaways, anywhere, I just always feel I wont win so why try? Well I dont know what made me change my mind last week but I entered a few and won most of them. I haven't been working this past month so some of these these come in handy because my youngest ...


Skate Park

I drove by this park for months on my way to drop off one of my kids to school and never noticed there's a skate area, actually my son hadn't noticed either till recently. He kept asking to take him so I did, He loved it and came home to tell his younger brother. Now I had two little ...


Think Outside the Blog

var _rssimg = document.getElementById('wpImg200971'); if(_rssimg) { _rssimg.style.display='none'; }function __inlinkzEndsWith(str, substr) { return (str.match(substr+"$")==substr) } function __inlinkzToggleVis(divId, ...


MakeUp Calendar

I have lipsticks Ive never used, some never even swatched! I might have some that aren't opened. Am I the only one? Do you have any you haven't used?? Well I decided to change that, even if I only wear them once, they will be used! I joined Shuttercal and decided to wear a different ...


Pretty in Pink revisited

Last post I talked about wearing pink blush and pink lipstick and how I  heard it just doesn't go well with my skin tone :/ Lipstick: Pink Nouveau                     Blush: Gentle  So I had to try it on and now I ...


Avon lipstick follow up - Cherry Jubilee

Last post I shared my new Avon lipsticks, this is me with Cherry Jubilee on It stayed on longer than I thought it would, even after a few kisses with my honey  but he did end up with red lips.  You like? Ill try oxford wine next and MAYBE next time i'll even ...


What I didnt do

I posted about going to the Indian Pow Wow at San Manuel Casino but I'm sorry to say we didn't go since gas prices are ridiculous lately, we had to skip it. I believe there's one coming up in Long Beach, CA next month, hopefully we'll make it to that. ...


Avon Lipsticks

Ive always loved eyeshadow and I'm no make up artist (yet) but Ive played with and bought eyeshadow before trying to learn a few things. I haven't played with make up in almost a year because I've gained weight and moved to an uncomfortable place so I haven't been happy with  ...


I'm A Christian and I want to donate

Yes I am a christian, I'm not a perfect one and I don't practice my religion regularly, sadly, but I TRY. I repented and accepted Jesus Christ as my lord and savior in 2007 and since then I've been so much more content with everything and everyone in my life. I used to be so ...


Indian Pow Wow

Many moons ago, when I was forced to go on outings with my mom and sister, I was  dragged to an Indian Pow Wow. I LOVED IT, I remember hearing and loving the drums, the dancing was mesmerizing, the outfits were beautiful and being a teen I liked looking at the boys. Recently ...


Eyes Lips Face Online haul #1

I've randomly bought eyeshadow palettes from ELF to give as gifts to friends but not till recently did I want to buy a palette for myself that I saw at Target, sadly they were broken up and it was all a mess so I didn't purchase it.  I went to a free smoky eye workshop at ...


Disneys Secret of The Wings

I'm such a homebody but this past weekend I decided to take my niece and step daughter to a fairy event at Westfield West Covina Mall. The girls entered a chance to win the dvd which will be out October 23, 2012. There was face painting and fairy tattoos. The girls also colored ...


Pretty in Pink?

I recently wanted to start wearing lipstick and blush so I went ahead and bought a few E.L.F. blushes of course! I bought 4 but the one pictured was the brightest pink. Pink Passion Last month I had a bridal shower and one of my friends gave me a gift card to MAC, which ...


Christmas shopping at Walmart

I know, we are just at the beginning of October and Ive already started my Christmas shopping?? I had to, because I love to give gifts, I love Christmas and I love making my kids happy. I noticed Walmart is doing Layaway for Christmas already also and I had to DO  IT! I have ...